Wednesday 5 January 2011


In What ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products ?
  • My horror trailer uses conventions of real media products.
  • this is easily obvious by having a masked killer
  • a masked killer is one of the most used conventions in horror films (e.g. Scream, Silent Night, I know what you did last Summer, Freddy Vs. Jason)
  • This makes it easier for viewers to understand what the film is about from the trailer, and will urge them to want to see the film.
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts ?
  • I believe that the combination of our main product and my ancillary texts have been both effective and successful because they all have a relationship. 
  • Everything is linked, from the trailer to the magazine cover and film poster.(e.g. with images from the trailer)
  • This is effective because as an audience, the ancillary texts offer more advertisement 

What have you learned from your audience feedback?
  • I have learnt about how to reach my target audience effectively. Not only with the trailer but also with the film poster and magazine cover.
  • The feedback also let me know what was expected from my final product
  • My audience feedback also helped me to realize what my audience will look for in a trailer before they feel motivated to see the whole film.
How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
  • Media technologies were important for the construction, research and planning of our Trailer.
  • Samson uploaded our magazine cover to his facebook page and it receive a lot of positive feedback from our media classmates and from other friends 
  • The internet also allowed us to record the planning, research and construction of our trailer on our blogs.
  • To construct our trailer we used a video camera and tripod provided by the college. We also used digital camera to take still images from the recording set to use on publications such as the magazine. Finally, we edited to footage on imovie HD.

Friday 10 December 2010

Horror Magazine Cover

Our horror magazine is called 'Invasion Magazine' we thought this name would invoke the feeling of horror to the magazine and will also stand out amongst other names.

Our cover isn't very colorful and sticks to using shades of white, black, grey and red to add to the feeling of horror as scary emotions and fear are not represented with bright colours such as blues, yellows and greens.

In this issue we have included the 'Top 10 Horror Movies of the Decade' to further attract our audience to purchase this magazine. There is also another method to attract a wider audience by including 5 free posters.

In the center of the cover is the blood runner text and the same blood splatter used in the film poster. i did this so it will be easily recognizable by people who had already seem the poster and would attract them to the purchase to find out more about the film since the poster tells so little.

At the bottom of the magazine cover tells the audience that inside there is an interview from the directors (myself and Samson). I think people will be interested to read this as we are so young and we have directed a produced a horror film.

And finally there is a promotion tactic to create a bigger buzz around the film as it says blood runner is tipped to be the best film of the year.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Film Poster

This poster faced controversy as some thought it wasn't enough detail, while others thought the simplicity yet creativeness within it was great. I like it because i feel it will stand out compared to others where there are low resolution images, this one is different. As me and Samson didn't have a high quality photograph from the trailer we thought i poster wouldn't have the 'high end' look so we went for the simple but strong blood splatter design.

Filming Issues

The first time we filmed the footage, we returned to school to discover that the footage we had filmed was too dark an essentially useless when processed on the computer.
After this we filmed again at an earlier time however there was a malfunction with the camera we were given where the footage was only showing on half of the screen and the other half of the screen remained pixellated, this was another setback.
Eventually, we filmed for a third time there was nothing particularly wrong with this take besides camera steadiness as the tripod was very stiff so when it was rotated the whole camera would jerk so it would look unprofessional.

Film Certificates

After reading the guidelines set for age certification. It is only right that we set our film at certificate 18. This is due to the gore and constant use of murders with a large knife.


Our killer will be wearing a mask similar to Jasons from 'Freddy Vs. Jason', along with a grey hooded jumper to show he is also youth and a friend of his victims. He will also be wearing gloves to hide any evidence.


As this is a horror trailer, we will conform to the conventions of horror and film in the night. Part of the filming is on the street and other scenes take place indoors (both very isolated locations). this will liken our trailer to more professionals created ones and will help us reach out to our target audience. We filmed in a house because we have seen it before in other films such as Scream, so we are confident that it will appeal to our audience.