Monday 5 July 2010


I started my year 13 horror blog off by setting up a new blogger account. In this blog I will be speaking about my process into making my horror movie trailer.

Stating the blog is a helpful way of planning, pointing down and evaluating the construction of the horror movie trailer that I am creating.

We will be working in groups of 5 to produce this trailer.

In a recent lesson with Mr Rosen, we worked in independent groups to film a s short trailer scene for a film called 'the meeting', it was a good practical taster of what was to come in year 13.

In my group of four we made our meeting about a infected student in a high school that would not kill but infect other pupils to make them also possessed by the same demon. Production wise my groups trailer could have been sharpen the sense of the shots being put together better and more continuously and put together better and more professionally but i think it was still at a good level and one of the better trailers in the class.

We also had a visit from Pete Frasier who is a media specialist he showed us how far we could stretch our blogspot page to achieve higher, by showing us a really good constructed blog site by a past year 13 pupil at his college. Pete also showed us programs we could use such as prezzi which is used to put presentations on our blogspots.

We also did a group activity where everyone in the class was given a sheet of A3 paper i was told to draw their experience over the year 12 media course as if it were on an island, this was a good activity as we had a chance to assess and compare each other experiences in a fun less formal way