Wednesday 3 November 2010

Target Audience

This is a visual assessment of the target audience that my horror movie will be aimed at, as you can see; the illustration clearly outlines the interest of those who we are targettin out film at.

What 'Horror' Means to My Target Audience

Q1:) When you watch a horror film/trailer, what do want or expect to get from it?
When i watch a horror film or trailer i expect it to be clear what the film is about, but at the same time not giving too much. i also like to see the main protagonists and antagonists in action, so i know what to expect from their characters.

Q2:) How far do film posters motivate you to go and watch a film?
Film posters do not motivate to see a film as much as film trailers do, but a hard hitting or mysterious film poster (especially in the horror genre) will motivate me to go and see the film.

Q4:) Do you read/buy film magazines? If yes why and what attracts you to read/buy it?
The look of the magazine such as the colours, fonts and things and other things like that attract me to a magazine, and most likely the way its formatted, the genre and content.

'What I learnt from this'...

From asking these questions, I have learnt that it is very important that i focus on my trailer because it is a preview of the film and no matter what the poster looks like it is the trailer which will give the consumer the push to go and watch the film or not. I also think horror trailers have to be more worked on then trailers from other genres in order to make them stand out from being just another horror movie.

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