Friday 10 September 2010

Analyzing Film Trailers: Brooklyn's Finest

After watching the 'Brooklyn's Finest' trailer, it was fairly easy to deconstruct what type of film it would be. It is a movie that focusses around the new york police department trying to fight the drug world within the slums of new york, particularly in Brooklyn, very similarly to the Television series The Wire however The Wire is set in Baltimore. Brooklyn's finest even go as far as to use some of the notable actors from the wire for example Michael K. Williams who played Omar.

The trailer has a voiceover that easily lets me know what the film is a NY street cops drama without giving me too much information, All of the main characters featured in the trailer appear to have a different motive through the film to achieve different personal goals. The shots last no longer than around 5 seconds and always seem to fade out to black before the next shot is brought in with a string hit from a loud instrument. Theres seems to be a lot of betrayal and money seems to play a big roll in the film both from the drug market to police corruption. However these seems like very typical cop and criminal stereotypes where the characters are caught up in a dead-end situation which makes the film feel obvious.

The name of the film is shown 5 seconds before the end of the trailer, this was probably done to keep watchers engaged and to ensure viewers would have to watch the whole trailer in order to find out the name of the trailer.

We are told who is starring in this film by their names being written in the trailer, the cast in this film are well known in the own right all though they are not an all-star cast. we were told the names of the actors so that existing fans of the actors would be attracted to the film and would promote it further.

We see a lot of gun action in the trailer mainly from police raids and gang affiliation.
The trailer has backing music of the song 'Run This Town' by Jay-Z, Kanye West & Rihanna which is a heavy hitting hip hop song, as well as music played by strings that sounds orchestral when action is shown in the trailer.

The shots are very fast and do not last any longer than 5 seconds and all have the sound of a string hit when thy change as well as a fade out on the shot so the next shot comes in more hard hitting. however the shots towards the end of the trailer seem to last a few seconds longer.
In the very last frame of the trailer it says "COMING SOON'. this is good because we do not know a date for the film therefore we will have to keep doing research and checking up on it in order to know the release date which will generate more awareness and promotion.

The trailer is more effective in making me want to see the film because although the picture does give me and idea of what the film could be about, the trailer actually tells me the genre and other important information about the film.

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