Thursday 9 September 2010

Film Title Deconstruction: Piranha 3D

The first film title i chose to deconstruct was Piranha 3D. When i see the name of the film i instantly feel as if it is and action/adventure or horror film as it is in 3D and those genres of film are usually put in 3D as opposed to comedy's and romances. Also from my prior knowledge i know that a Piranha is a feared and deadly fish, so i started to think it could be a horror film.

After seeing the font in which the film is written in, my thoughts were confirmed, that in fact this was a action horror film, the font in which 'Piranha 3D' is written is in block capitals and coloured red which in media we know can represent danger. The letters have also been stretched leaving an after effect on the font as if the text is bleeding in the water which could be a hint as to what is to happen in the film. However i think what will be features in the film is obvious with such vicious images of the piranhas on the cover. And a woman unknowingly relaxing on the water above them shows that the was the piranhas will attack has an element off surprise.

After watching the Trailer for PIRANHA 3D, i have seen that it is very bloody and graphic with images such as these:

So my suspicions were confirmed in what i first thought when i saw the name of the film and the typography in the font used. Also in the trailer every time words popped up they were always in the colour red with a wav effect going through the letters which could symbolize blood in water.

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