Friday 24 September 2010

Applying Recognisable Conventions of Trailers

In groups we conducted a task where in groups of three we had to illustrate a story board for a a trailer of a horror film called bloodshed high. I was in a group with Jack and dolly. As a group we decided that our rendition of bloodshed high would be a film about the teaching staff at the school being infected with a malicious disease and spreading it throughout the students so eventually it would be spread through the whole town, meanwhile there are a group of brave friends who decide they will not allow this to happen and play hero, at their own risk.

As a group we discussed the USP which is essential for the marketting of a film, we asked ourselves what aspect of our film makes it different from other teen horrors
we had to ensure thatWe discussed the USP (UNIQUE SELLING POINT)which is essential in the marketing of film. we asked ourselves what made our film different from the rest?we had to make sure there were relevant actors that were known to the audience we could have a sense of familiarity with the audience.

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