Monday 11 October 2010

Analysis of Horror Film Posters

You can instantly tell that saw is a horror movie from the poster without much analysis. However if i was unsure there are some factors that would confirm my suspicions. For example The font looks very raw with jagged edges which is very familiar in the horror film genre. The letter are also in capital white letters to draw your attention and the word saw isn't orientated normally, but rotated anti-clockwise giving the feeling of distortion and that something isnt right. So at this point we have established that Saw is a horror film and from the name of the film we assume that a saw will me the major murder weapon used in this film, we also assume that the film we be very gory especially if a saw is the featured murder weapon.
The next piece of text we notice is 'OPENING WIDE THIS HALLOWEEN'. it also helps to confirm that its a horror by the fact that the film had a Halloween release date. And the line 'OPENING WIDE THIS HALLOWEEN' is a pun on the background image. The background image shows and image of a mouth with dentist utensils in it, and the teeth appear to have been forcefully removed.

At the top of the Devil promotional film poster it reads 'FIVE STRANGERS TRAPPED, ONE OF THEM IS NOT WHAT THEY SEEM'. The second sentence gets your attention because without the twist of one of the passengers not being what they seem the film would have no unique selling point. Directly below that is an image of the elevator at floor '6' i can make connotations from the number 6 as it is known as having connections with the devil, and i am sure it was not randomly chosen as the elevator number. There is also a what appears to be a line of fire breaking through the elevator doors and below it in the shape of a cross with the point of the line directly fitting symmetrically into the 'V' of the word 'DEVIL' below which is very noticeable in big white letters on a black background the letter also appear to be double spaced. The fire bursting through the elevator doors could indicate that hell is beyond those doors which most definitely classifies this film to be a horror.

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