Friday 22 October 2010

Research: Stock Characters

The Wanderer

There is always a wanderer in horror movies that stupidly puts themselves in risky situations which sometimes turn out to be fatal or in which they narrowly escape death. The stock character would often uses the typical phrase off 'let's spilt up' or is generally the weak link within the group of main characters. i this case i have used Ron Weasley from Harry Potter as he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

The Popular Girl

The 'Popular Girl' is often smart, stuck up , two faced and sought over by most of the male characters but is in a relationship with the male who plays the main role of the 'Jock' . in some horror films the popular girl is perused by the killer, this is seen a punishment for her behavior towards others.

The Jock

'The Jock' is the most popular male character who is also the leader of the most prominent sports team within the high school. He dates the popular girl, has a group of loyal followers and often bullies other males who have a lower level of social status. The Jock is also a regular target for the murderer in horror films.

The Final Girl

'The Final Girl' is often the survivor in a horror film, the girl who manages to slay the murderer and is the only person left standing from the original set of main characters. when there is a sequel to the film there final girl is often the main character as a killer seeks revenge on her as she survived in the previous film.

The Pervert

The pervert is often the boy from school who is too frisky and puts himself in fatal situations because he would do anything to sleep with a girl. He is often killed off very early during the film. Perhaps this could be a message no to live such a life as he died early.


Pandora is the part of the film where something important of mysterious happens. For example when the final girl discovers why the murders has been happening which allows her to defeat the murderer, making her the final girl.

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