Wednesday 13 October 2010

Images VS Words

In the SALT film cover the image seem o be more informing as the word salt couldn't really help to tie my attention to any specific genre. But with the image of Angelina Jolie, her eyes seem very strong and appear to be the focal point of the poster, along with the only colours on the entire poster being different shades of black and white immediately gives the film a serious tone which makes you instantly feel that it will be an Action/Adventure

With the 'Friday' film, if you just heard by word of mouth about it, i would most probably assume that it was a horror film because of friday having associations with the horror film genre with dates such as Friday the 13th. But by seeing the font and colour of the text 'friday' can conclude that if anything it could range from being a comedy movie of a family film.

I feel that perhaps images are more important than words because although the fonts, colours and connections we have with words may carry a meaning, there is nothing clearer to us than when we see an image to let us know what the film is about, like the one above. So yes, p
ictures can be used to convey certain things, but not all. Because it would be hard to convey to someone what you feel the meaning of life is with only a picture as depending on that persons experiences is what they will understand from the picture, but on the other hand with words it will be made very clear.

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